Thank you to all members who support the TRAF constantly developing translations!

As in version 1.0, it will come out when we find those damn texts fighting. I hope soon release a version 0.95 which corrects all mistakes or changes pointers. I hope This release will allow someone to have great click to understand where these texts. This does not affect the enjoyment game but the aesthetics of fighting. This situation lasted for over a year, I decided thought as members of the TRAF published this translation is. Except for the above point that does not require your playing time and a correction of just 5 minutes, THE real thing to do is the text explanations during the fighting. They will quickly corrected for History 100%.

It is for this reason that I accounts to disseminate the SSRPG forum TRAF. In fact, I know a dozen sentences need a correction of hexadecimal values. Obviously I still have to correct some pointers that I had changed in my tests. The Noble Bahamut: _ Translation of History: 99% Translation of the Story Mode in Combat: 100% Translation explanations Combat: 0% Insert text: 97% Graphic changes Menu: 100% Timing written and oral dialogues: 100% Lyan: _ Creating and inserting the title screen: 100% - 2. ***This translation is not related to SNK Playmore. WHAT REMAINS THERE TO DO? Samurai Shodown Rpg English Translation Also this is from the read me translated using google also has links to webpages with documentation of the translation process. Anyone have any news on an update to that? Here is the french translations webpage (I think) with the patch And I formation. A while back I heard someone was trying to contact the team to get an english translation going. SSRPG NEOGEO CD has a translation patch for french any news on an english release? A french team made a 90% complete said only really issue is typos due to space.